Install and initial configuration Buildbot on Fedora, Ubuntu and Debian

Buildbot its tool to automate compilation and tests. This tutorial we will install it on three important distro and run it.

1 - Installation dependencies:

  • Installation of necessary packages to correct installation of Buildbot bundle.

Fedora 25:

sudo dnf install python-devel python-pip redhat-rpm-config make gcc

Fedora 26:

sudo dnf install python-pip redhat-rpm-config make gcc

Ubuntu and Debian:

sudo apt-get install Python-dev build-essential python-pip

2 - Installation without virtualenv:

sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install 'buildbot[bundle]'
sudo pip install buildbot-grid-view
sudo pip install buildbot-worker
sudo pip install setuptools-trial

2.5 - Installation with virtualenv (optional):

  • First we need install virtual environment.


sudo dnf install python-virtualenv

Ubuntu and Debian:

sudo apt install python-virtualenv
  • Now we need activate the environment
virtualenv --no-site-packages YourSandbox
source YourSandbox/bin/activate


pip install --upgrade pip
pip install 'buildbot[bundle]'
pip install buildbot-grid-view
pip install buildbot-worker
pip install setuptools-trial

3- Initial Master setup:

  • Creation of folder where Buildbot archives will stay:
mkdir -p BuildBot
cd BuildBot
  • Creation of Master with name[master]:
buildbot create-master master

Create Master

  • The configuration of all functions of Buildbot its done in configuration file inside Master folder, to simplify we will use the sample configuration file provided in default template of Master [master.cfg.sample], but it’s needed be renamed to [master.cfg] to be recognized by Buildbot:
mv master/master.cfg.sample master/master.cfg
  • Here we will start Master daemon:
buildbot start master

Start Master

4- Initial Worker setup:

  • Here we will create a worker (previously slave) with name [worker]:
buildbot-worker create-worker worker localhost example-worker pass

Create start Worker

The command syntax:

* buildbot-worker = Buildbot Worker program.
* create-worker = Command to creation of Worker
* worker = Name of worker folder
* localhost = Master location on the network (This example Master are in the same VM)
* example-worker = Name of worker
* pass = Authentication password
  • Start of worker daemon:
    buildbot-worker start worker

Buildbot interface